Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks VVI Objective Questions Model Set 6

Bihar Board 12th English 50 Marks VVI Objective Questions Model Set 6

Question 1.
A horse is……………….useful animal. (Choose the suitable article)
(A) the
(B) a
(C) an
(D) None
(C) an

Question 2.
…………….Ramayana is Holy book. (Choose the suitable article)
(A) the
(B) an
(C) a
(D) None
(A) the

Question 3.
‘With the Photographer’ is written by…………….
(A) Robert Lynd
(B) Jim Corbett
(C) Stephen Leacock
(D) J. C. Hill
(C) Stephen Leacock

Question 4.
The machines, helpful to man work by
(A) petrol
(B) steam
(C) power
(D) force
(C) power

Question 5.
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase ‘well off :
(A) rich
(B) poor
(C) average
(D) very poor
(A) rich

Question 6.
Choose the correct meaning of the phrase ‘in time’:
(A) very late
(B) not late
(C) always late
(D) occasionally late
(B) not late

Question 7.
He may be at home. I do not know. (Choose the correct option of combination)
(A) I do not know whether he is at home.
(B) I know tiftthe is at home.
(C) I may know he is at tome.
(D) I know he is not at home.
(A) I do not know whether he is at home.

Question 8.
The weather was fine. We went for a walk. (Choose the correct option of combination)
(A) The weather being fine, we go for a walk.
(B) The weather being fine, we went for a walk.
(C) The weather had being fine, we go for a walk.
(D) The weather fine, we go for a walk.
(B) The weather being fine, we went for a walk.

Question 9.
Choose the correcty spelt word :
(A) terified
(B) terrified
(C) tyrified
(D) tirified
(B) terrified

Question 10.
Children…………….obey their parents. (Choose the correct option)
(A) may not
(B) might be
(C) should
(D) must be
(C) should

Question 11.
Uriah Heep is the black hearted, mischievous clerk of …………….
(A) Mr. Micawber
(B) Mr. Chillip
(C) Mr. Wickfied
(D) Mr. Spenlow
(C) Mr. Wickfied

Question 12.
He wears……………..suits. (Choose the correct option)
(A) plen
(B) plain
(C) plane
(B) plain

Question 13.
Sea water must be………..before you drink it (Choose the correct option)
(A) altered
(B) filtered
(C) drunk
(D) proceed
(B) filtered

Question 14.
He leaves the bed………….6 o’clock in the morning. (Choose the correct option)
(A) at
(B) to
(C) with
(D) for
(A) at

Question 15.
He is taller than you………….two inches. (Choose-the correct option)
(A) into
(B) since
(C) at
(D) by
(D) by

Question 16.
‘On Letter Writing’ is written by… (Choose the correct option)
(A) J. C.Hill
(B) A. G. Gardiner
(C) C.E.M. Joad
(B) A. G. Gardiner

Question 17.
‘Forgetting’ is written by :
(A) Robert Lynd
(B) A.G. Gardiner
(C) Carlyle
(D) J.C.Hill
(A) Robert Lynd

Question 18.
People forget things because…………….(Choose the correct option)
(A) it is their habit
(B) others make them forget
(C) they wish to forget
(D) they are ill
(C) they wish to forget

Question 19.
Rupert Brooke is famous as a…………….
(A) love poet
(B) war poet
(C) nature poet
(D) didactic poet
(B) war poet

Question 20.
The photographer’s studio was………………… (Choose the correct option)
(A) very bad
(B) not properly arranged
(C) neatly arranged
(D) broken
(B) not properly arranged

Question 21.
The Lake Isle oflnnisfree’ is written by…………….
(A) Rupert Brooke
(B) Edward Thomas
(C) W.B. Yeats
(D) Rudyard Kipling
(C) W.B. Yeats

Question 22.
Walter de la Mare is fomous as a……………. (Choose the correct option)
(A) children’s poet
(B) nature poet
(C) war poet
(D) romantic poet
(A) children’s poet

Question 23.
‘Everyone Sang’ is a…………………poem. (Choose the correct option)
(A) war
(B) love
(A) war

Question 24.
Mr. Murdstone is the……..of David. (Choose the correct option)
(A) watchman
(B) servant
(C) aunt
(D) stepfather
(D) stepfather

Question 25.
Who has written ‘Echo’ ?
(A) W.B. Yeats
(B) William Wordsworth
(C) Edward Thomas
(D) Walter de la Mare
(D) Walter de la Mare

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